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文章出處:行業新聞 責任編輯:廣東91香蕉污视频照明科技有限公司 發表時間:2023-07-08

Best Lighting Fixtures for Sports Stadiums

Sports stadiums require well-designed lighting fixtures to ensure that players and fans can enjoy an optimal experience. A well-lit space can improve the visibility of the players, the ball, and other game elements and keep the audience engaged throughout the game. When it comes to lighting fixtures for sports stadiums, it is important to choose high-quality brands that offer powerful and efficient lighting solutions.

The WYD-TF Series by Weiyadi

The WYD-TF series by Weiyadi offers a range of powerful and durable LED floodlights suitable for both indoor and outdoor use in small and medium-sized sports facilities. These floodlights come in a range of wattages including 200W, 240W, 280W, 400W, and 500W. They are ideal for use in basketball courts, tennis courts, badminton courts, swimming pools, and other similar venues. The WYD-TF series uses ultra-bright LED technology that provides a natural light experience and has an energy-efficient design that reduces energy consumption, making it an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution.

The WYD-TF-3 Series by Weiyadi

The WYD-TF-3 series by Weiyadi offers high-powered floodlights suitable for large-scale outdoor sports stadiums. These floodlights come in a range of wattages including 500W, 750W, 1000W, 1200W, and 1500W. They are perfect for illuminating large outdoor spaces such as football fields and athletic tracks. The WYD-TF-3 series features an anti-glare design that ensures the light spreads evenly throughout the venue without causing any disturbance to the players or spectators. These floodlights are also eco-friendly and energy-efficient, making them a popular choice among sports facility operators.

The WYD-G Series by Weiyadi

The WYD-G series by Weiyadi offers an excellent lighting solution for indoor sports stadiums. These hanger-mount LED high bay lights provide bright and efficient lighting, making them ideal for use in basketball courts, badminton courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, ice rinks, and other indoor venues. The WYD-G series comes in a range of wattages including 100W, 150W, and 200W, ensuring there is an option suitable for any venue. These lights provide uniform illumination across the court, reducing glare and shadow to offer better visibility to players and spectators.

Contact Us

If you require assistance in selecting the right lighting fixtures for your sports stadium, please contact us at Weiyadi. Our team of experts will work with you to assess your requirements and recommend the best solution. You can reach us at +86 .

Weiyadi Lighting Fixture Series Wattage Range Suitable Venues
WYD-TF 200W, 240W, 280W, 400W, 500W Basketball courts, tennis courts, badminton courts, swimming pools, and similar small and medium-sized venues
WYD-TF-3 500W, 750W, 1000W, 1200W, 1500W Outdoor football fields, athletic tracks, and similar large-scale venues
WYD-G 100W, 150W, 200W Indoor basketball courts, badminton courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, ice rinks, and similar indoor venues

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